Thursday, May 26, 2011

Strike a Balance Between Your Height and Weight

 Balancing your height and weight can help reduce your risk of developing diseases related to obesity.  Thousands of people including children all over the world are now victims of obesity.  The common reason for this condition is the diet that they take.  People have become so busy that most of them do not even have time to cook and prepare their own healthy food.  They depend on the food in restaurants and food joints which are tasty but not healthy.  Junk food especially is very harmful in the long run.

To know whether you are healthy or not it is good to check your BMI which is related to height and weight. It is a simple calculation of dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches.  The result has to be divided again by the height in inches and this result multiplied by 703.  When a BMI is less than 25, it indicates that the person is healthy.  BMI that falls between 25 to 30 implies overweight and anything more than 30 is obese.

BMI is not the only screening tool to test weight related risks.  The other factors that have to be taken into consideration in relation to height and weight are waist size, cholesterol count, blood pressure etc.

Burning 250 to 500 calories through physical exercise and reducing another 250 to 500 calories through diet control can help you lose at least 1 to 2 lbs each week.  This helps you achieve a balanced height and weight. 

BMI reading below 25 decreases the risk of heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, gallbladder and liver diseases etc.

Finally, having a good BMI can not only boost your health but also improve your self esteem.

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