Saturday, May 14, 2011

Proper weight for maintaining sound health

Weight plays an important role in the health of any person. An obese person can never be called a healthy person just as a skinny person cannot be called a healthy person either. There is no fixed point of weight that any person should reach to. The right weight for a person is determined by his height and this number is always in a range. Persons diligent to lose weight for good health must reach this range.

The person’s life style is important to determine his weight loss for maintaining good health. If his work is always of a sedentary nature, with no movement at all, he ends up obese with a round belly. Stress and tensions provoke people to eat larger quantities of food in order gulp down the low spirits. This ends up with overweight. Lack of exercise and improper food are the ultimate causes of overweight.

In order to maintain an ideal weight for good health, it is advisable to eat everything in small quantities. There are pre measured ladles and spoons available that can be used to serve our food. There are plates with areas designated in it for food so that a limited quantity of food is served. Walks, doing physical work at home, taking the staircase instead of the elevator are small exercises if there is no time for proper workouts.

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